Step 1
Pick up some Millefiori- rods with your favourite design.
Cut the rods with a ZagZag plier (e.g. 3216000) into small pieces

Step 2
Take a ceramic mold and apply a shelf primer. Dry it with 250°C for 30 minutes

Step 3
Now you can place the small pieces directly to the mold. Desing a pattern, create some lines - as you wish. You can fix the pieces with a little bit of fusing glue (Glastac 3562800 / Elmers Glue 3562605)

Step 4
Place the mold into your kiln.
Firing cyleMillefiori COE 104:
1.90 min - 500°C
2.skip - 700°C - 30 min
3.skip - 480°C - 90 min
4. 90min - 440°C - 30min
5.180min - 300°C

You can also create bowls in this way with Bullseye - rods or System96 - rods.
Fusing temperature
Bullseye approx 720°C
System96 approx 710°C