Step 1
Making the mold elements:
1. Cut the board into a square of 30*30cm.
2. Sketch your elements to a paper first. Think about the elements, what do you want to do: bowls, plates, frames, napkin holders….

Step 2
3. The best is to cut out 4 longer elements, a basic element and some smaller elements. The more you have the more flexible you are.
4. Cut the elements with cutter and angle. Please wear gloves and the dust respirator. The material is brittle and dusty while cutting and grinding.
5. When the elemnt are all cut, start smoothening the edges and surfaces.
Make the edges a little bit round, they are more stable then.

Step 3
6. Aplly a little bit of shelf primer to all elements. Not too much, the Ceraboard will dissolve otherwise.
7. Dry the elements with 200°C for 30 minutes.

1. Play around with the elements: You can place them side by side, over ach other, criss and cross- like you want it!
2. If you have decided how you want it place the elements into your kiln. We placed some Bullseye Paper onto it.
3. Now you can melt your glass.
4. After cooling down take the glass carefully away. Put the Ceraboard elements carefully aside- until your next using.

Firing cycle
1. 120 Min – 500°C – 0 Min
2. skip – 760°C – 15 Min
3. skip – 520°C – 120 Min
4. 120 Min – 460°C – 0 Min
5. END

More tipps:
1. If you want to use the mold elements again and again and again apply the hardener for fibre papers, 3553000. Then dry them and burn them out at 750°C for 30 minutes.
2. You can also cut out some rounding or grind rounding into the Ceraboard. This will widen your possibilities.
3. The Ceraboard is also available in 10mm, 3552300, and in 50mm, 3552350!