- 9700414 OCEANSIDE Spectrum OA 355-1s-F
- 9677511 Oceanside Frits F2-56-F-8 fine 240g
- 9679311 Oceanside Frits F2-602-F-8 fine 240g
- 9671211 Oceanside Frits F2-151-F-8 fine 240g
- 3522270 Slumping Mold Flower GM48 "Ripple Drape"
- 3522271 Slumping Mold Flower GM53 "Hump with Drop"
- 3565200 HotLine Primo Primer 680g
- 3565102 Boron-Nitride-Spray ZYP MR-97 369 g
Step 1
Cut the large petals out of the flower glass according to the template. The little sheets you cut out of white. Put the petals together in the kiln or glue them together. Fill the center with black frits and sprinkle red frits on the petals. The total diameter should not be more than 20cm.

Step 2

Fuse the flower with approx 760°C.
Firing cycle*
1) 120min - 500°C
2) skip - 760°C
3) 30min - 760°C
4) skip - 540°C
5) 120min - 540°C
6) 120min - 430°C
7) End

Step 3
Coat the mold with shelf primer and dry it at 250 ° C for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can also use the ZYP-MR-97 Boron-Nitride-Spray, 3565102.

Step 4

Place the flower on the slumping mold. Align the flower in the center so that the center of the flower actually sinks into the recess. Now you can slump it.
Firing cycle*:
1) 150min - 650°C - 40min
2) skip - 730°C - 5min
3) skip - 510°C - 60min
4) 120min - 430°C - 10min
5) End

* All information without guarantuee / fusing temperatures must be adapted to the respective kiln

Additional options:
You can also drill the flower in the middle. Then take the candela screw fitting (1362000), screw it in the middle and put the flower on a rod with 100cm length (1361099). Instead of drilling the flower, you can also make a hole directly when melting it: Place a small round piece of 5mm fiber paper (3551320) in the center or roll a narrow strip of Bullseye paper (3550800). Tape the end with Elmer's Glue (3562607) and stick it into the crumb. This will create a hole without drilling when melting!