Leaves - Relief
Step 1
1. Cut out different leaves from the fibre paper, cut them into different sizes, cut out the leave veins if you want to.
2. Prepare the kiln as usual (with fibre paper and shelf primer or Bullseye- Paper).

Step 2
3. Place the leaves criss- cross in the kiln. They can overlap and some of them can lay over each other.
4. Cut a piece of Bullseye- Paper which is a liitle bit bigger than the design and place it over the fibre paper leaves.

Step 3
5. Cut the glass. Here we have some B0100-37Fi and we will place the iridescent side down.
6. Now you can place the glass onto the Bullseye- Paper.

Step 4
7. Melt the glass. The Bullseye – Paper will crumble and the glass can take the relief. Only fibre paper will cause a rough surface, with Bullseye- Paper it will be smoother and more shiny.
8. After Fusing you can take the glass easily away.

Snail - Relief
Step 1
1. The design is build up with multiple layers of fibre paper.
2. The first layer is the lowest, it´s approx 21*21cm, the rest will be smaller. You build the motif on each other. Imagine you are placing smaller squares on each other, you get like a small pyramid. It is similar here.

Step 2
3. The motif is divided into different layers, the more layers the more depth gets the motif. At the beginning we recommend max 3-4 levels.
4. Now you can scribble the motif on each layer.
5. Cut out the layers and place them on top of each other. You can bring in more depth by cutting out something from all layers..

Step 3
6. Prepare the kiln as usual.
7. Place the layers into the kiln.

Step 4
8. Now you can cut the glass and place it onto the design, fuse it.
9. If you don´t place a piece of Bullseye- Paper you can take the fibre paper after fusing carefully away and clean the relief with a smooth brush.

Firing cycle:
1. 120min – 500°C – 0 Min
2. skip – 785°C – 30 Min
3. skip – 520°C – 120 Min
4. 120min – 460°C – 0 Min
5. END

More tipps:
1. You can cut the fibre paper into small stripes and weave them together. The relief will have a nice basket structure.
2. If you use clear glass for the reliefs the focus is on the motif and the view side is the upper, fire polished surface. If you use iridescent glass the view side is the contact side.
3. Put some glass powder onto a few fibre paper elements. Small elements like leaves or flowers will stand out.