- 7621830 WISSMACH 218 English Muffle
- 7606711 WISSMACH 67 LL
- 7611811.1 WISSMACH 118 LL 20x30cm
- 7626411.1 WISSMACH 264 LL 20x30cm
- 7441000 YOUGHIOGHENY 5506 SP
- 7622080 WISSMACH 220 Seville
- 7440700 YOUGHIOGHENY N6347 SP
- 7637882.1 WISSMACH 378 Mystic 20x30cm
- 9610032 WISSMACH 96-32
- 7440600 YOUGHIOGHENY 4637 SP
Step 1
First prepare a kiln shelf. Here we use the fiber paper as underground and then a border made of stones and strips of fiber paper. Due to a slight contact of the glass threads to the edge, they cannot roll away.
Now place the lower layer of glass stringers close together on the fiber paper. The upper level of stringers is transverse to the base layer. The upper level is not occupied close together, leave gaps of different sizes.
The design shown here is approx. 20 x 40 cm, melted at 770 ° C for 15min.

Firing cycle*
1. 70min - 500°C
2. skip - 770°C
3. 15min - 770°C
4. skip - 520°C
5. 70min - 520°C
6. 70min - 460°C
7. End
Step 2

In the second step, you now form the flat glass over a free form made of silicatex fabric. Fold the fabric until an interesting shape is created that will later make your fused glass object appear as a flying carpet. It is slumped at 660°C for about 30 minutes.
Firing cycle*
1. 70min - 500°C
2. skip - 660°C
3. 30min - 660°C
4. skip - 520°C
5. 70min - 520°C
6. 70min - 460°C
7. End

* all data without guarantee / melting points must be adapted to the respective furnace.