Stipple Glass
The waxy, ice-like effect of Stipple (SP) clearly distinguishes this coloured glass line from all other glasses. The translucent quality of the glass creates a three-dimensional effect as the colours merge. This is particularly visible in the light. The colour palette of Stipple is broad - from plain shades and more intense colours to two-coloured (one colour plus colourless) and really colourful glasses.
Stipple is extraordinary - in the truest sense of the word.
If you are looking for the right material for the production of simple modern objects, for traditional glass art or if you are at home in the playful colourful world - SP supports your art with the right material.
Youghiogheny Glass is proud to have revived this type of glass, which was first used by Tiffany Studios - and rightly so.
- Coloured glass
- Flat glas
- Architectural Glass
- Special glass
- COE83, 90, 96, 104
- Sections 20x30 cm
- Decoration