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Controller ROHDE ST411

Clear and powerful control unit with flexible programming for use in ceramic and glass workshops, schools and laboratories. The controller has a switching output (event) for controlling supply or exhaust air flaps. The option to change the current program, the program pause function and the program advance function make the controller particularly suitable for glass fusing. ROHDE myKiln App compatible and SolarReady (PV / photovoltaics).

Range of application: ceramics, laboratory, fusing

Single-zone controller

32 programs with up to 32 segments each

1 controlled heating/cooling ramp + soak period per segment

Current ROHDE controllers are optimised for operation with a PV system (ST 411 PV)

1 additional switch output

Soak times up to 99 hours 59 mins

Ramp rates from 1 to 999°C/h or "FULL"

USB port and Wi-Fi module for data logging via the ROHDEgraph and the ROHDE myKiln App / SolarReady (PV / photovoltaics)

ROHDE SolarReady configuration optional

Programs can be altered while firing

Program pause and advance function

Lockable keypad

Program start delay facility - up to 99 hours 59 mins

Recovery in the event of a power failure

Displays energy used

Setpoint display

Alarm buzzer

Temperature values can be displayed in °C or °F

ROHDE CPC 14 connector

With a PV-optimised controller, you can use solar power for any ROHDE kiln built from 1994 onwards.

The ROHDE ST 411 controller can be switched between conventional firing and SolarReady mode.

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